Grandmother names help me get creative with my nickname “Eu sou essa.” It’s Portuguese for “I am that one.” Essa: It’s my grandmother name, now that I have a grandbaby. Read more “Grandmother names help me get creative with my nickname” →
In walking and life, I go against the flow Why do I go against the flow? I’m not sure, but I’m noticing I do it quite a lot. Read more “In walking and life, I go against the flow” →
You get what you need when you focus on… Do you ever notice you get what you need? Or, put another way, you get what you focus on? I’ve had several recent experiences bring home this reality. Read more “You get what you need when you focus on it” →
No more fitting in, now I want to belong… I have developed a knack for fitting in — or maybe I should say I seem to fit in. This is good and bad. I also feel like I’ve found where I belong, and that’s good. Read more “No more fitting in, now I want to belong everywhere and no where” →