Freelance Service

Freelance Service

My freelance writing and editing service can help when you need it. Working as a newspaper journalist taught me to quickly understand information and write copy that others could understand easily — all on deadline.

During my years as a reporter, I covered many subjects, often in a single day. It’s easy for me to jump from one topic to another. As a freelance writer, I specialize in:

  • Health
  • Safety
  • Senior living
  • Wellness

Writing for the web is important. Providing search-engine optimized content that naturally focuses on keywords will help improve your search engine result page ranking.

You can’t pack a paragraph or two with every keyword related to your product or service. Instead, you need to provide value for readers — give them something they want to read, something that will hook them and interest. Tell them something they didn’t know. Offer an easy way for them to get what they want.

Good copy writing and editing go beyond the internet. Emails and newsletters can help you stay in touch with past customers or potential customers. A good marketing campaign will include letters, brochures or flyers. They all require good content — beautiful copy — to make them the most effective.

If you have copy writing or copy editing needs, I can help. The options are limitless for freelance service. Contact me to find out more.